Differences between astronomy and astrology

La astronomy and astrology They tend to cause a lot of confusion among the general public. Many people confuse the zodiac signs and the effect on everyone’s personality based on birth date with the stars. And it is this part of astrology that is based on astronomy.

Although the terms astronomy and astrology sound similar and both are related to the study of celestial bodies, they are actually two completely different disciplines.

Astronomy is a science based on the scientific method. which seeks to understand the universe through observation and careful analysis of celestial phenomena. Astronomers use instruments such as telescopes and satellites to collect objective data about stars and the physical laws that govern them. Its primary goal is to understand the nature and structure of the universe by studying star formation, galaxies, black holes, and many other cosmic aspects. Astronomy is based on scientific and mathematical principles and seeks to discover universal truths through experimentation and testing of theories.

In addition, Astrology is a belief system that seeks to establish a relationship between the movement of celestial bodies and events in people’s lives. Astrologers interpret the position of the stars at the time of birth and believe that this affects each person’s personality, character traits and destiny. They use astrological symbols such as zodiac signs and astrological houses to make predictions about people’s lives and their future. Unlike astronomy, astrology is not based on proven scientific principles and does not use the scientific method to back up its claims. Many consider it a pseudoscience because of its lack of empirical evidence and its subjective interpretation.

Another fundamental difference is the focus of each discipline…. While astronomy focuses on the objective study of the universe and seeks answers based on facts and verifiable observations, astrology focuses on the symbolic and subjective interpretation of celestial movements and seeks answers related to individual personality and destiny.